Africa also Smiles
Welcome To Our Website
Africa Centre is a charitable and non-profit organisation founded in 2000 by a group of Activists within the African diaspora community in Ireland. This group of activists wanted the community to be active participants and have a voice in Irish society, but also to inform development policy in Europe and in African countries.

Community Participation
The Africa Centre Civic Participation project is the rst ethnic minority organisations that engaged in political education in Ireland before the 2004 citizenship referendum and subse- quent local and national elections.

Campaign and Advocacy
Our Campaign and Advocacy Programme works with commu- nities and schools in promoting the positive side of Africa, but also how issues in Africa can be linked to those in Ireland and in Europe as a whole.

Africa Programme
Our Africa Programme is carried out through our West African Office in Gambia, set up in 2018. At this programme, we are working with African Diaspora Experts on a mentor- ship programme.

Intercultural Youth Society
The Intercultural Youth Society is a project of the Africa Centre. This project aims to bring youths from diverse back- grounds together to discuss issues that affect them,

Africa Centre has made series of policy submissions to numerous government departments in Ireland and have participated in different fora and conferences in Europe and in Africa,

Africa Centre in the last many years has produced numerous materials on civic education, development education, integration and inclusion for individuals, communities and on topical issues.
Have You Say on Integration and Inclusion
EU Erasmus+ project “Have You Say on Integration and Inclusion “KA1- Training Course…Co-funded by EU Erasmus+ Program. Capacity development on integeration and inclusion in Slovenia for 6 African Diaspora led organizations Erasmus+ project. #ADEVA
September 25 -29, 2021 Ljubljana,Slovenia 🇸🇮
Participating countries: Sweden 🇸🇪 Slovenia 🇸🇮 Ireland 🇮🇪 Spain 🇪🇸 Cyprus 🇨🇾 Belgium 🇧🇪

Africa Centre Ireland is at European Commission
Delighted to announce that the Africa Centre Ireland and its partners ADYFE Inštitut za afriške študije | Institute for African Studies, Slovenia Cyprus Spain Sweden are in Brussels for our @Erasmus+ final leg on Have Your Say on Integration and Inclusion project. This takes place from the 22nd of November to the 24th of November 2023 in Brussels.
We thank Léargas for the funding and for accompanying us in this policy dialogue in Brussels to lobby and advocate with decision-makers and disseminate our findings with other EU partners.
It was also an opportunity to pay tribute to a patriotic and unforgettable elder brother and comrade Eyachew Tefera by observing a minute of silence. His legacy will continue to live longer & he will always be remembered! May his gentle soul continue to rest in eternal peace. RIP!

Africa Centre
Thank you for visiting our website. The Africa Centre Ireland is an African diaspora led Non- Governmental Organisation that facilitates the integration and inclusion of African diaspora in all aspect of life in Ireland and their contribution towards sustainable development on the African continent since 2000.
Our work focuses on four main areas:
A. Community Participation
B. Advocacy and Campaign
C. Policy and Research
D. Africa Programme
We have worked with many individuals, communities and partners in the past 21 years and have informed policy in Ireland, at the European and African continental levels and participated at numerous African Union Commission decision making meetings. With high unemployment of women and youths on the African continent, inequalities faced by migrants globally, climate injustice and the fall out of Covid-19, our work remains as important as ever. If you are interested to support our work, donate as little as €5.00 to support our activities.
Africa centre
Become A Member
Africa Centre as a membership organisation encourages individual and organisations to become a member if they agree to adhere to the ethos, values, mission, and goals of the organisation. Membership fees are used to nance the work of the organisation and serve as matching funds to secure funding from donors. We also accept donations from the public for our charitable activities in Ireland and for our work in Gambia, West Africa.

Join Us for a Night of Celebration!
Our Funders & Partners